Board Member
Lesa Lorraine is a Bay Area native. Lesa graduated UC Berkeley for her undergraduate degree and Cal State Hayward for her graduate degree. Lesa's career spans 30+ years as a School Psychologist working with students 3.5 to 22 years of age. She holds an Administrative Credential from Chapman University and specializes in many areas including behavioral plans, 504s and serves on the Inclusion Committee. Her expertise is in the area of special education. Lesa has supervised school psychologist interns for the past 15+ years. Lesa co-authored best practices and policies in the assessments of African American students in her county. Lesa holds a PPS Credential (Pupil Personnel Services) and a Masters in School Counseling. In addition, Lesa is also a licensed Educational Psychologist.
Lesa coached gymnastics for 15+ years and is currently Head Coach for a Varsity High School Cheerleading Squad. She now has 3 adult children and fostered children for 10+ years. Always serving as an advocate, Lesa believes in education, enrichment and inclusion. She served on the GAY (Gay Associated Youth) board, where she was part of the youth activities and outreach at the local schools helping to create safe spaces for youth, housing and aligning supportive services. For 2+ years, Lesa worked in Hayward with FESCO (Family Emergency Shelter Coalition) assisting families and single parents experiencing housing insecurity, by providing food, emergency, transitional and permanent housing as well as supportive services. She currently serves as the scholarship lead on the Band Boosters. In her spare time, she fosters animals from the county humane society. Lesa has traveled all around the world appreciating and celebrating the differences in cultures.